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How To Choose an E-Commerce Website Builder

How To Choose an E-Commerce Website Builder

With more of the world connected than ever, tapping into the global marketplace has become increasingly accessible. While there are few genuinely free e-commerce website builders available, many offer a free trial period. Some platforms even allow you to build your website entirely for free and only require payment when you're ready to launch. A free trial can be particularly advantageous, as it enables you to get your website up and running, potentially generating enough sales to offset the initial premium costs.

To save you the trouble of researching, we've compiled a list of the best free e-commerce website builders for 2023. Below, you'll find our top recommendations.

Define Your Needs and Goals

Before diving into the world of e-commerce website builders, it's crucial to clearly define your business needs and goals. Consider aspects such as:

Product Range:

Determine the number of products you plan to sell and their complexity. Some platforms are better suited for small boutiques, while others are designed for extensive product catalogs.


Establish a budget for your e-commerce venture, including not just the cost of the platform itself but also ongoing expenses like hosting and transaction fees.


Decide how much customization you require for your website. Some builders offer extensive design flexibility, while others are more template-based.


Think about your long-term growth plans. Will the platform accommodate your business as it expands?

Ease of Use

One of the primary advantages of e-commerce website builders is their user-friendly interfaces. However, the ease of use can vary between platforms. Consider your own technical proficiency and how comfortable you are with web design. Look for platforms that offer intuitive drag-and-drop editors, customizable templates, and a straightforward setup process.

Payment Processing

Efficient payment processing is the lifeblood of any e-commerce store. Ensure the platform you choose supports various payment gateways, including popular options like PayPal, Stripe, and credit card payments. Additionally, check the transaction fees associated with each gateway to avoid unexpected costs.

Mobile Responsiveness

With the majority of online shoppers using mobile devices, your e-commerce website must be mobile-responsive. Make sure the builder you select offers mobile-friendly templates and allows you to preview and customize the mobile version of your site.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your e-commerce site. Look for a website builder that provides robust SEO tools, including customizable URLs, meta tags, and sitemaps. This will help your website rank higher in search engine results.

Inventory Management

Efficiently managing your product inventory is crucial to avoid overselling or running out of stock. Choose a platform that offers inventory tracking and management features, including automatic updates for product availability.


Security is paramount when dealing with online transactions and customer data. Ensure that the e-commerce website builder complies with industry-standard security protocols and offers features like SSL encryption to protect your website and customers.

Support and Resources

Consider the level of customer support and resources provided by the website builder. Look for platforms that offer comprehensive documentation, video tutorials, and responsive customer support channels, such as live chat or email.


As your business grows, your website's needs may change. Select a website builder that allows for easy scalability, enabling you to add new products, features, and functionality without major disruptions.

Cost and Pricing Structure

Finally, carefully examine the pricing structure of the e-commerce website builder. Compare subscription plans, transaction fees, and any additional costs. Make sure the platform aligns with your budget while providing the necessary features for your business.

Choosing the right e-commerce website builder is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your online business. By defining your needs, and considering factors like ease of use, payment processing, mobile responsiveness, SEO-friendliness, inventory management, security, support, scalability, and cost, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed choice. Take your time to research and test different platforms to find the one that best aligns with your business goals and vision. With the right e-commerce website builder, you can create a compelling online store that attracts customers and drives sales.